Thursday 7 March 2013

Hand Illustrated T-Shirt

You can design and make your own t-shirt using a permanent waterproof marker. It is such fun and quite easy to do. Practice on a scrap of t-shirt material first, until you get the hang of it.
I wanted to give my husband a gift for our 'Cotton' wedding anniversary a couple of years ago. I didn't think he would appreciate new cotton bed linen (as much as I would) so I chose to make him a personalised t-shirt instead.
I bought a plain, good quality, cotton t-shirt in a colour I thought he'd like.
(I must admit that I chose a dark colour so that mistakes in my drawing wouldn't be too obvious ;)
He is a photographer and loves cameras so I found a photo on the Internet of a Nikon FM2. I started by drawing a picture of the camera onto the t-shirt using a white fabric marking pencil. I then did the final illustration using black permanent Artline markers, one with a superfine point and one slightly fatter one.
I was pleased with the result.
My husband loved it and immediately placed an 'order' for another one...
For our son.... his little 'assistant'.

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